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The Top Up and Coming British Male Actors in 2019 | POPSUGAR …

The Top Up and Coming British Male Actors in 2019 | POPSUGAR …

We will genuinely never tire of seeing established British talents like Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, and Tom Hardy on our screens, but we also love discovering new male British actors to add to our watch list before they hit the big time. Remember when John Boyega was just that kid from Attack the Block, and Tom Holland was a child star from The Impossible who was yet to rub shoulders with Robert Downey Jr.? This year, with big projects like the Game of Thrones prequel and a new Jane Austen adaptation in production, there are plenty of big roles up for grabs for some of the UK’s hottest rising stars. We’ve picked 24 of the names and faces we’ll be looking out for in the coming months. Keep reading to find out more about these up-and-coming actors who’ll be all over stage and screen in 2019 and beyond.

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