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Day 9 – MS Awareness, Thought You Should Know

Day 9 – MS Awareness, Thought You Should Know

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Sharing my blog with the world has been one of the best things that has happened for me. I’m fighting Multiple Sclerosis with everything that’s in me, even to the extent that I’ve left my home of forty two years for a chance of a cure.

It feels good to be able to take control of my health for once.  After being giving the devastating news in 2004 that I had Multiple Sclerosis, I’ve been in a constant state of depression.  I’ve taken hundreds of medications since then, and I’m just plain tired.  Yes, tired from the meds because many of these are narcotics, but also tired of having to live life in a constant state of pain and confusion.  2015 made eleven years disabled.  It also marks change because I firmly believe that we can overcome any and everything.

I’m already at Day 9 of no pharmacy meds. This is huge because with MS, there are so many medications prescribed to treat the symptoms and I’m using none. Yes, I’m still having some symptoms such as nausea, anxiety, lack of attention/concentration/focus, not walking straight, pain, and slight slurred speech at times…but I’m treating the symptoms organically, and that’s the difference.

Sometimes you have to take a chance when it comes to your health and wellness.  I keep a constant update on what I’m going through on my blog, Support MS Awareness.  Read more about Day 9 here and be sure to follow!  I might have MS, bt it does not have me.  Change has come.


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