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The Blaq Hour W/ @BlaqKharma and KALA ALI – BACKBONE INTERVIEW

The Blaq Hour W/ @BlaqKharma and KALA ALI – BACKBONE INTERVIEW

It’s 2016, and it’s a new age where social media and internet allows you to pretty much research anything and anyone, but things are time stamped and for people not currently in the media, America tends to forget.  Backbone of Dungeon Family can’t be forgotten because he was there in the beginning when the Atlanta sound of music really took off.  From 9pm-11pm/est on Monday May 2, 2016  everyone can tune into On The Rise Radio’s The Blaq Hour, where Backbone will be interviewed by Blaq Kharma and Kala Ali.
Tune in online or call into the show at 646-716-4160 from 9-11pm/est
Wanna be on the Q&A Panel?  Signup is here, choose the May 2nd date  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-blaq-hour-panelist-and-guest-registration-tickets-22591334289
Introducing to some, presenting to others
“I AM BACKBONE… I AM DUNGEON FAMILY…” this statement has become the focal
greeting of the Atlanta born and bred entertainer, a.k.a. Dr. Bartholomew Fonk. Backbone
coined this phrase to usher in his resurgence to the mainstream ears and eyes of the industry.
By definition, the term “backbone” is defined as the chief supporter of a system or
organization, strength of character and resolution; no other words can better describe the role
Backbone plays as one of the founding members of The Dungeon Family’s 1st Generation.
He can be associated with many hits behind Outkast, Goodie Mob and other Dungeon Family
members as well. With the release of Concrete Law, his debut album, Backbone’s persona
was placed on the forefront to give the world a feel of his expertise and craftiness as an artist.
As so, his recent ventures are that much more reflective of his creative mindset.
With the launch of the Plateau Entertainment Group, Backbone has given a new generation
of artist a platform to express their talents under the tutelage of a seasoned veteran. From his
Dungeon Family essence, Backbone has facilitated an ultra-collective powerfully known as
“Dungeon Family Generation X”. This new and innovative “groovement”, as he
affectionately calls it, consists of a multitude of talented individuals whose objective is to
embody the spirit of feel good music, culture, conscious and community. These attributes
will ultimately solidify this vibrations place in the entertainment industry. Backbone is also
constructively preparing his next solo project “The Eternal Triad”, a three part LP to be
released soon as well as a series of other releases that will precede this epic musical offering.
Not only is Backbone working towards changing the face of music again, he is currently
pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Dietetics at Life University and is a member of
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars; maintaining a 3.9 GPA. The world should
prepare for and expect greatness; “somebody betta tell’em”…
Phone: 678 459 5140
Instagram: backbone_df
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