Hey there everyone! Thanks again for reading my articles here in your favorite mag! I pray that they’ve been informative and that you’ve been getting a lot out of them. I truly felt it on my heart to shed a little unbiased light to the On The Rise Community. It’s often difficult to get straight forward advise and information without a check, but again, this is On The Rise Magazine, so it’s our duty to inform you; especially those of you that haven’t discovered your investors yet.
For the last several weeks, I’ve been talking to you about Performing Rights Organizations. We’ve been discussing copyright info. I’ve been doing some investigative research to bring to you things that even I may not have known about in full detail. Knowledge is power, y’all. Pay attention!
This week, I’m going to take the time to back track for you a little bit. Back to basics if you will! What else do you need to be official? What items do you need to mark off your to do list to reach your desired celebrity success or pay check status?
I want you all to ask yourself “Who am I?”
It’s awesome if you know who you are. You’re a star right? But check this out, in the sky, there are many stars, which one are you? How do distinguish yourself from the others? More so, how will others know who you are? I’m just saying.
Do you have a legitimate biography? A biography is also known as a bio. That’s your resume… Your face card on paper… A written informative representation of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, what you will accomplish, and other general information to give readers insight on you.
This is not a bio : ” my name Kent the King. I’m rapping. People know me in these streets. In a few months, I know me and my team gon get on the radio. We gon make it. I be grinding.”
STOP THAT. A biography is a professional piece of literature, written to provide a colorful explanation of the wonderful greatness that is you! You must take your time if you plan on writing it on your own.
Who needs a bio? Everyone! From business owners, to singers, from producers, to models, from publicists, to rappers, and so on and so on. Anyone and everyone that is trying to be seen.
Here at OnTheRiseMag.com, you can entrust Attica Lundy Cooper, Blaq Kharma, or myself to write and publish ground breaking literary art work on you! Most quintessentially, we will publish your bio here and promote it furiously!
Look, I’m not throwing you a sales pitch, but honestly, I’m just saying… Presentation is everything. You say you want to make it, right? You’re trying to be heard? I challenge you to introduce me to one radio station, one record exec, one label, one magazine that will give you the time of day without a bio. It’s time to take your craft and your business seriously and put your best foot forward! I promise I’m not just writing you for my own fun. I know most of this stuff, and monetarily, it benefits me more to charge for the info, but again… Because I care, and only because I care will I write to inform. Be informed!
Get a bio. Even if you feel you’ve not done enough to write about. I guarantee, a well seasoned writer will make your career seem like you’ve accomplished as much as the majors. Good luck!
Sample Bios:
Until next week,
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