A cold, rainy night in Atlanta was no match for Almighty Philly. He is a solid role model because he does not let anything come in the way of him and his calling. His calling is to be the example. Philly Blocks, also known as Almighty Philly, is no stranger to the hard-core, guerilla-style, in the streets, in your face action it takes to be seen. Standing tall and weighing in with his team on his back, Philly Blocks hit the streets of Atlanta once again! This time, he hit the hood.
As Philly describes in his lyrics, his life’s surroundings are anything but docile. Gunshots blast on any given night. It’s normal. Philly Blocks is no stranger to real people, real problems, real life as he knows it.
On December 19, 2014, On The Rise Mag PR Intern, Maureen pulled up to what is considerably one of Atlanta’s roughest streets, Metropolitan Parkway. The destination, Club Lacura at 1919 Metropolitan Parkway Atlanta, GA 30315. The surroundings were daunting and streetlights flickered; there seemed to be a cop at every corner. With the recent stream of events in national news, attending a rowdy club party seems to be asking for trouble. But if you know like I know, in order to make it, it’s important to reach the core of the people in the core of every hood. The job must get done! Maureen escorted Philly Blocks into the club, assertive and ready for business. Philly Blocks was guided through the crowd of smoke, often brushed against by the partygoers. Big thuggish looking guys stood deep by the VIP, gold grills and all. I turned around and Philly was gone. Minutes later we reunited.
In the back room of the ‘Boom Boom Room’ gone Mainstream Lounge, we talked about the objective of the night. We make a presence. That’s the goal: “Make sure they remember you.” Philly Blocks glared at the music videos airing on the T.V. screen; I could tell he tasted the success, greater than that of the celebs he was gazing at on M.T.V. He was hungry.
With the overstanding that networth is network, the DJ Booth ensued. It’s always great to see Philly Blocks in action. You can tell how determined he is when he meets
the DJs. Spinnin’ some hot fire mixes in the booth was none other than Dj Showtime. A club DJ also recognized and affiliated with Atlanta radio station Streetz 94.5FM, Showtime keeps the party rocking for sure. Philly Blocks always gets to meet the right people. Once DJ Showtime receives the opportunity to hear Philly Blocks’ Music, the photo they took will become an aide-mémoire to the night two musical geniuses collided. Of course that’s not all she wrote.
The man of the hour, Philly Blocks was introduced to Sequel of After Money Entertainment. Sequel, definitely a respected businessman in the Atlanta Club Circuit maintains the role of the most known unknown as he is ever humble and modest. As an esteemed professional in generating major turn-outs and revenue in his specific genre of party, Sequel is definitely the go to guy for the college/hood crowd. Philly Blocks experienced the real deal at Club Lacura. The crowd was in full effect- college kids that were home for the holidays, Big Booty Judy making a spectacle, Unc in the back trying to bum a cigarette or a dollar, the next hood star models, posing by the bar in their basic club stance. People of all ages were in attendance. Philly Blocks got down to the gristle and politicked with his future fans. He took photos, he greeted, he hugged , he smiled, he made connections.
A success indeed. Philly Blocks is already making waves and getting notice in the ‘A’. Philly Blocks is outstanding because he values the comradery of teamwork and team building and everybody knows it. On the way out of the club, the big thuggish looking fellow with the gold grill happened to be his “Winner’s Only Gang” brother, Big Nick. Cameras flashed, they took their Hollywood ready pic, Philly Blocks saluted his brother and made way to the exit. A man on a mission.
I asked Philly Blocks what he thought of his first experience in an Atlanta Hood Approved spot, and he said “it’s really just like back home.” That was cool. Philly Blocks fit in well; He was personable, he was genuine, he was friendly, he was business oriented, and he was focused. That’s just Almighty Philly though! We are excited about this trip! It will be amazing! It’s already off to a great start!
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