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Queen Ifeelya’s Mother Earth LLC Product Review

Queen Ifeelya’s Mother Earth LLC Product Review


Tia Scott,CEO Mother’s Earth LLC

I’ve found myself transitioning a lot more than I anticipated in this lifetime. I feel more comfortable investing in natural products made by individuals I can trust, versus chemically treated products made by mega companies with CEOs and presidents who don’t really know their customers on a personal level. In this transition I’ve learned a lot of life altering things about the products I once put so much trust in without any hesitation. The commercials for these products make these products so appealing, yet only talk about what we want to hear. Brighter teeth, a more radiant smile, healthy gums, fresher breath! Not once do these commercials tell us about the actual chemicals used to produce these products and what they can and will do to our health in the long run. So I found myself looking at labels and researching certain compounds found in simple things like toothpaste only to realize (Real-Lies) that we have been coerced into believing that all these major health professionals really have our good health and wellness at heart when it’s the total opposite.

In my findings I realized the products that I have used for 32 years of my life have not only altered and blocked my brain’s pineal gland, but also represents a form or self suicide or self harm. As harsh as it sounds, it’s the absolute truth. These companies are aware of the long term effects of their beloved products but as consumers we CHOOSE to use them without really understanding that these ingredients CAN and WILL kill or harm us in the long run. You feel me?

Down To Earth Copper Tongue Scraper

So what are we suppose to do, Ifeelya? We can’t walk around with “stank breath”! I’m sure the general population would be highly upset if we all refused to tend to our morning breath! Well, I am beyond grateful for my find of the Mothers Earth LLC oral hygiene line. Created by Tia Scott of Indianapolis, Indiana. She has finely and perfectly crafted a line of products made specifically for our oral hygiene without the worries of chemicals and long term negative effects. I was able to order her Down to Earth Tooth Dirt, Down to Earth Dirt Rinse, the Bamboo Tooth Brush, and the Copper Tongue Scraper (in the orange Clove flavor)!

Down To Earth Tooth Dirt
Down To Earth Dirt Rinse

BEFORE I brushed my teeth I used the cooper tongue scraper and (OMG) I didn’t even realize how much gunk was on my tongue. The tongue scraper is a arch shaped tool used to remove the surface gunk from your tongue. You gently place it towards the back of your tongue, gently pull forward and you will see ALL that debris slide to the front ! it was so gross yet I couldn’t stop until I got all of it until I uncovered a rose pink tongue!  The Tooth Dirt is mainly a Bentonite clay with other essential herbs and ingredients that can be pronounced and found locally. All these ingredients are combined to aid in the health of your gums and teeth. Strengthens gums, may reduce inflammation, sensitivity, and she also has an Electric brand for the alkaline vegan family who is following the Dr. Sebi Diet! It’s not like toothpaste at all! It’s literally a clay powder so when you dip your wet bamboo brush in and proceed to brush your teeth it doesn’t foam up but instantly starts to grab and remove all unwanted surface debris. I brushed my gums and under my lips with ease. I wasn’t concerned about accidentally swallowing some because it’s all natural vs toothpaste that is harmful when swallowed. There isn’t a fowl taste or harsh smell to the tooth dirt. It actually was very pleasant with an orange citrus taste and made my mouth feel amazing. My soul definitely felt like I did something really amazing for my body. I followed by rinsing my mouth out with the Down to Earth Dirt Rinse which was light and very refreshing! It doesn’t give that powerful burn felt from using Listerine or major mouth wash brands!  I am hands down very happy with this line and I am going to continue to use this line for my family.

Check out the video demonstration I did on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYd1b2E_Mc0&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR236uaY_saBtlexzDG6caCfuJk7PwZWPWTfDXSO67i08wSFoYoQR1CHK8c

Connect with Tia Scott Online

Please Connect with Miss Tia Scott & Mother’s Earth LLC

4144 Boulevard Place
Indianapolis, Indiana



Instagram https://www.instagram.com/down2earthtoothdirt/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ToothDirt/

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