Napa business owner designs jewelry inspired by nature and beauty
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Hilary Molloy of Napa launched HilaryMolloyDesigns, a line of earrings, bracelets and necklaces made from natural materials. She makes her pieces by hand in her Napa home studio.
The are samples from HilaryMolloyDesigns. The jewelry is handmade in Napa by Hilary Molloy.
Hilary Molloy of Napa models one of her “hair on hide” cow skin cuffs. Molloy upcycles leather remnants and “rejects” to make her jewelry designs.
HilaryMolloyDesigns are made in Napa from recycled leather pieces and hides.
Hilary Molloy works in her Napa studio space. She designs all kinds of jewelry items made from upcycled leather.
Hilary Molloy is on a mission to make the world more beautiful than how she found it.
As an esthetician, Molloy has been helping her clients find their glow since 2005. Last October, she expanded her beautifying business ventures with a new project, HilaryMolloyDesigns, a line of earrings, bracelets and necklaces made from natural materials.
Molloy said she always felt a creative yearning, crafting handbags and earrings for herself at home and supporting local fundraising efforts with handmade button jewelry.
That creative drive pushed Molloy to learn her craft through trial and error.
“I operate under an assumption that if I can visualize something creatively, then I can manifest it into the world,” said Molloy.
But it wasn’t until late last year when the pieces to scale her personal passion into a small business fell into place.
“The jewelry line birthed naturally. I envisioned a design for one pair of earrings and received compliments from friends and clients when I wore the finished pieces,” Molloy said.
The positive feedback sparked her creative fire. Molloy purchased jewelry display racks, searched for the perfect raw materials, and went about crafting earrings and bracelets to fill the displays.
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