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Model Spotlight: Who Is Taryn Williams PR

Model Spotlight: Who Is Taryn Williams PR

If you are in Atlanta, GA, then Taryn Williams is someone you need to know.  She is a free-spirited woman who is affectionate about individuals following their passion. Obviously, with a heart set on making dreams a reality, she’s going head-on towards hers.


Taryn Williams is a 25-year-old public relations professional in Atlanta.  She studied at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and couldn’t wait to work full-time in bringing others to their full potential. Williams is from a suburban town called South Orange, New Jersey, a town that has raised several stars including Lauryn Hill. She wishes to follow these bright footsteps and inspire.


Joy is in all of her PR work and studies. Standing at centimeters away from 6-feet tall, you will notice when she walks into a room. Always being the odd one out in the crowd, Taryn used it to her advantage. When all eyes are on you, it is either all or nothing. She a presence that is hard to forget and is ready to work. The world is her playground and Williams catches dreams. The dreams of those who are tired of stalling or being comfortable.Those who are serious about pushing the limits and going higher. Success is only a dream taken seriously with everything you’ve got put into it. In 2014, she was named one of On The Rise Magazine’s Brand Ambassadors for Attica Lundy, a position she still holds proudly.


  • Know everyone in Atlanta
  • Be a role model for young professionals, tall girls, and shy dreamers
  • Be highly respected in the craft of PR
  • ALWAYS give back

Connect with her online!

Website: http://www.tarynprentice.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarynprentice

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taryn.williams.35

IG: https://www.instagram.com/tarynprentice/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarynwilliams

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