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Late Great Michael Jackson – A Place With No Name Official Video

Late Great Michael Jackson – A Place With No Name Official Video


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With a little over 1.6 million followers, the late great Michael Jackson has once again made twitter news, this time having released his newest video.  Twitter feeds filled the timelines with

Michael Jackson – A Place With No Name Official Video

, something that seems quite remarkable seeing that MJ passed away some five years ago.  That’s how it’s done nowadays, though….bringing the dead back to life.  

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As a true MJ fan, I am not sure how I feel about that.  As an informed and conscious member of society, I’m not sure that I want them to keep recreating what has come and gone.  As a spirit, I wonder when everyone will allow Michael Jackson’s soul to rest in peace.  It’s hard being timeless, I suppose.  And for Michael Jackson, this is just the beginning.

His “short film” was released on Twitter at 10pm on Wednesday August 13, 2014 as one of the first music videos to premiere on the social platform.  Twitter has been planning on having exclusive rights to videos, just like YOUTUBE and VIMEO.  Once videos are released, it’s sure to be able to compete stronger than YouTube, VIMEO, and other social networks that allow video placements.  In early 2014, Twitter began testing promoted video’s from their sight, and due to response it looks like they’ll be definitely getting into the video market.  No worries, advertisers can be chrged per click at the moment, and pricing should regulate once more people use Twitter as a resource for video placement.  Video blogging is definitely the way to go.

So what else is MJ planning on doing?  Stay tuned to his timeline at http://twitter.com/MichaelJackson (verified account) and keep up with his news.



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