Author L. Hunter hails from Detroit, Michigan. She is the author of Choices & Consequences, a gripping tale of a character named Jasmine Taylor and survival amongst friends. As loyalties are tested, it ultimately results in destruction touching many lives. Fleeing the only safe haven she knows due to family betrayal, she must learn to survive on the streets of Detroit. She quickly learns nothing is free and everything comes at a price. This face-paced story pulls you in from the first page to the end, leaving you wanting more.
She has also written an anthology for Hood Chronicles (publisher Worldhaven Agenda) along with authors Jasmine Devonish, Kendra Graves, and Cha’Bella Don. This story takes you into a world of adventure, romance, insight, and non-stop action with these women and soon you will ask yourself… which Hersonality Trait do you possess?
Hunter enjoys writing from stories to poems. At age Three her grandmother started her reading comics from newspapers giving her the enjoyment of reading and writing. In her free time, she also enjoys spending time with family & friends. Binge-watching movies, learning new recipes. She admits she is a basketball fan as well as football during the Super Bowl. She prides herself in what she calls being in love with love. She loves to see people happy and loving on each other.
I interviewed L Hunter about her story and upcoming plans.
PIN IT@AtticaLundy: Where did Choices & Consequences come from; how did the idea originate?
Author L Hunter: In high school, I would always write small stories and poems. I would only let my friend Antonio read what I wrote. He told me “You should write a poem book” and I was like “No because all my poems are about grief, hurt anger sadness.” I didn’t want people to think I was a depressed person (although at the time I was). So, he said, “Well turn your stories into a book”. I agreed but I didn’t do it until 2009 when I started back writing.
@AtticaLundy: Did script writing come before or after you wrote Choices & Consequences?
Author L Hunter: Script writing came after I wrote Choices & Consequences.
@AtticaLundy: Did you write Choices & Consequences with a screenplay in mind?
Author L Hunter: No. After I wrote it and reread it, I said to myself “I can see this as a movie.” Then my book came out and everyone who read it said the same thing about the book. That was my confirmation.
@AtticaLundy: When did you begin script writing?
Author L. Hunter: I began script writing in 2021 my instructor is John Alexander out of Atlanta.
@AtticaLundy: What led you to script writing?
Author L Hunter: After I received my confirmation, I knew I needed to learn how to put my stories into script writing format.
@AtticaLundy: Do you find it difficult to juggle family life and writing?
Author L. Hunter: It was very difficult at first to juggle family life and writing. I didn’t really know how to make the time for writing, so it was put on the back burner while I worked and took care of my family. Until 2009 I managed to kind of pull it together and make some time for writing even at work on my lunch breaks with the help of my coworkers.
@AtticaLundy: Describe the place you write the most (your office, the library, in the bed, outdoors, etc.).
Author L. Hunter: The places I write the most are my desk at home, or my bedroom I utilize music and scented candles with dim lights.
@AtticaLundy: What inspires your stories?
Author L. Hunter: A lot of times they just come sometimes its scenes from my dreams, and I must get up put it on paper just get it out or I can’t go back to sleep. Then other times it’s something maybe I have dealt with or someone I know has dealt with and I start writing mostly the title comes after the story has been written.
@AtticaLundy: What projects are you currently working on?
Author L. Hunter: Right now, I am working on a film based on my book Choices & Consequences.
@AtticaLundy: Have you published any other works besides Choices & Consequences and Hersonality Traits?
Author L. Hunter: No. My plan is after the film Choices & Consequences is done; I will begin to write part 2 of the film.
@AtticaLundy: Have you performed Choices & Consequences on stage?
Author L. Hunter: No, I have a friend. You may have heard of her, she’s also from Detroit. Je’ McClain. She does stage plays and now films. She was one of the first people to read my book Choices & Consequences. I told her I wanted to do a stage play on it. She advised me not to due to it chopping up a lot of my book and I didn’t want to have to take too much away from the book, so I took her advice not to do a stage play.
PIN IT@AtticaLundy: Speaking of Hersonality Traits, how was the experience of writing a part of an anthology?
Author L. Hunter: Writing an anthology was amazing I love meeting new people and I ask a lot of questions. It’s funny growing up I was teased for asking so many questions people would say you should be a reporter lol. One of my brothers Nick would always say a closed mouth don’t get fed. So, for me I take that as if I don’t ask, I won’t get an answer. Lol.
@AtticaLundy: Were you familiar with the other authors prior to writing your part of it?
Author L. Hunter: I was familiar with the president of World Haven, Hood Chronicles. He and I are good friends. During the process of writing, I was able to get to know the other authors where they were from, etc. We are all now Facebook friends even though we all live in different states.
@AtticaLundy: Would you collaborate with other authors again?
Author L. Hunter: I definitely would collaborate with other authors again because you get to know people in working with them.
@AtticaLundy: Who inspired you most to write?
Author L. Hunter: I love reading and since the age of 3 when my grandmother started me reading the comics from the Detroit Newspaper, I knew I wanted to write. And my Uncle Thomas has shown me poems that were published in various books. So, I would have to say my inspiration would be my grandmother and my uncle.
@AtticaLundy: Who has been your biggest supporter when it comes to your writing?
Author L. Hunter: My biggest supporters have been my children. They would try and stay up with me when I was writing and make me tons of coffee. My friends, as well are all my biggest cheerleaders.
@AtticaLundy: What are some challenges you face writing being an already published author and how do you tackle them?
Author L. Hunter: When it comes to challenges many people think because you are published you should be able to just push books out whenever. That maybe I have seen authors who are pushing out 1-2 books a month well not I. I don’t work that way I have to take my time and I am a detailed writer, so I always write and go back to read and maybe rewrite something I already wrote. I am not one who is accustomed to pushing books out in that way. This is why I am all for freelance writing; I can write per project. If I am with a publishing company it’s like “okay you need to give us X amount of books in 6 months”, for example. Not for me lol. And sometimes I get writer’s block when I want to write but if I have something I’m dealing with in life then I am unable to write with a clear head. So, when writer’s block hits me I take a step back and clear things up in my life or deal with whatever I’m dealing with in order to write.
@AtticaLundy: Tell us something we don’t already know about you (give us the exclusive 411).
Author L. Hunter: Honestly this is a hard one to say out loud but because I pride myself on being an open book and the fact that you have asked, I will be honest and tell you. Sometimes when I meet people, they are like “oh you so pretty”, etc. Well, guess what? I don’t like when people say that. I have insecurities like everyone has insecurities. I voice mine differently like I’ll say “no I’m fair, average” because that’s how I feel. And because I have a raspy voice that tends to get raspier when speaking in front of crowds which is the reason I have yet to do a book signing. I also battle weight gain on and off therefore I feel insecure about how I look. And since we are on this topic, I feel mental health help is so needed when it comes to African Americans. I have battles of depression the way I deal with it is to do what I have been taught and that is to pray and read my bible, I credit my grandmother for that cause she was a praying soldier. But for some, it may take a little more than that. “WE” in the African American community tend to feel if you seek mental help you are deemed crazy. We don’t trust the medical system etc. We must work together to recognize and address the challenges, but we must first understand where it comes from and why it is ingrained within us. That’s the only way we can tackle this thing. Good mental health is very important to me. I always say I’m a work in progress lol.
PIN IT@AtticaLundy: If you could write anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Author L. Hunter: If I could write anywhere, it would be in the woods at a cabin by a lake because it is quiet and serene. Another place would be Italy because of the culture and sights, and it seems to be filled with romance and I am a romantic at heart.
@AtticaLundy: What writers inspire you, and why?
Author L. Hunter: Writers that inspire me are Donald Goines because he is raw to me that’s as real as it gets. Erick Jerome Dickey because he depicts romance, erotica, and suspense from the Black perspective, and finally ZANE because she puts me in a mind of myself, she is private yet boisterous with her words in her stories. We are very passionate people lol.
@AtticaLundy: What intrigues you the most about writing and storytelling? Characterization? Plot? What?
Author L. Hunter: Writing and storytelling allows me to communicate with my readers through a variety of stories. Characterization I love thinking about a character and then bringing those characters to life. My plots derive from characters and allow my reader to see how the plot involves my character. The What is a much harder question to answer. I think of what makes me stop reading and know that I need to ensure that I do the opposite. For example, I pick up a book to read and after the first chapter, if it still is long not really going anywhere I will put it down. It’s just like watching a movie after the first 10 minutes I know if I want to continue watching or not. So, I try to write coming out with a punch and continuing to the end which makes you not want to put it down.
@AtticaLundy: How have you grown as a writer over the years? What do you know now that you didn’t know when you started out?
Author L. Hunter: I have grown over the years to always keep an open mind as if that was ever an issue lol. Also, you only fail if you don’t try, and practice makes you close to perfect. I ask and love feedback. I’m still learning what it means to have tough skin in this business. I always ask how do I develop tough skin when I never had it to begin with?
I now know what I didn’t the process of script writing and I am so proud of that. I now have a better handle on making time for writing. I have done interviews via virtual with audiences and spoke in front of a room not filled but half full without losing it lol. I am now learning the various aspect of production from the business to the creative side of filming a movie on my own.
Look for more films and books from me. In the next 2 years my goal is to create a film production company.
Thank you for your time and interest.
L Hunter
Stay tuned. L. Hunter will be currently working on a film production of her film Choices & Consequences based on her book. This will be her debut as director of Choices & Consequences.