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Indiana absentee ballot application online; voter registration …

Indiana absentee ballot application online; voter registration …

INDIANAPOLIS — May 4 is the voter registration deadline. For Indiana voters concerned or unable to vote in person, they can now request an absentee ballot at Previously, voters could only request an absentee ballot by mail, email or fax.

Secretary of State Connie Lawson announced this change as part of ongoing efforts by her office and the Indiana Election Division ahead of the June 2 Primary Election.

“We’re facing an unusual situation in this year’s primary, and I am committed to making sure all Indiana voters can vote with security and convenience,” Lawson said in an announcement.

Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot for the June 2 primary. To vote absentee-by-mail, voters who qualify must complete an absentee-by-mail application. Voters may also submit their request by mail, email or fax. The application must be completed and received by the county election board or the Indiana Election Division by May 21.

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After an application has been received, the voter will be mailed a Primary Election ballot. The voter must then complete the ballot, and return it to the county election board by noon (local time) on Election Day, June 2.

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