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I Love My Jeans!!

I Love My Jeans!!

I Love My Jeans!!

10-4-2013 10-57-11 AMPIN IT

Let’s start the start the conversation around brands of jeans. We all love our jeans and we all have our own favorite brands of jeans and our favorite style in those brands. I am going mention a few brands and of course we know there are many, many, many brands of jeans and as I apologize in advance I will not be able to mention them all. I decided to ask several people what their favorite brands of jeans were and while Levi’s came up many times and I am as well a fan of Levi’s I wanted more. We all know that Levi’s are great jeans but I was amazed at some of the responses I got, some of these brand I had not even heard of before. The way people talked about their favorite brands it made me think I need to buy a pair of these jeans.



I will start with store brands: Buckle, Von Maur, Old Navy, and American Eagle; These brands were at the top of the list of responses. People love Buckle jeans, I learned that Buckle has many different brands of Jeans in their store but there is no brand that is less worthy than the next. Every pair of Buckle jeans will last you for quite some time. Another popular brand is Von Maur. While we all know that Von Maur sells many different brands of jeans, the quality of the jeans they sell are well worth it. Old Navy was another response I received for top choices in jeans. Now, I bought a pair of jeans from old navy when I was younger and I was not impressed. Not to put the store down in anyway because today I hear nothing but good things about Old Navy. I learned that each style of jeans is made to fit a certain body type, so as long as you try them on and see how you look in them before you walk out of the store you should be a happy camper. American Eagle was the last store that was brought to my attention, I didn’t get a reason as to why their jeans were so great other than that they are really good jeans.

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               The moment that you have been waiting for, the brands of jeans that I hear are some of the best. Wrangler was one because they are made to last so who doesn’t want their jeans to last. Lucky Brand, J.Lo jeans, Guess, Silver, Miss Me, 7 For All Man Kind, L.e.i. jeans, SO jeans, and Arizona jeans were the brands to top my list as some peoples favorite pairs of jeans. I have never heard of a couple of these brands but the way people talk about them it makes me want to go get them all!!

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           We all have that one pair of jeans that we absolutely love but sometimes that pair of jeans does not love us. They don’t last as long as we would like so we may find ourselves repurchasing these jeans over and over. All though we love the way these jeans hug us ever so dearly and how they will go with any pair of shoes, the key is truly in finding a brand that will last longer than a little while. If you have bought the same pair of jeans 3 times this year, them jeans ain’t loyal. It’s time to move on and sometimes that means spend a little more money than normal. Why spend $30 three times for the same pair of jeans, when you can spend $90 and get a pair that will last you a couple of years. Just think about it for a second, and this is just an example, but I also say that because I am speaking from experience. I did purchase a pair of jeans 3 times in one year and finally I gave up and spent a little more money on a pair that lasted me for 3 years. Sometime the value is in the brand, you just have to do your research and find what’s worth it. It’s ok to step out of the box! Everything doesn’t always have to be the same, find a store you’ve never been to before and just walk around. Talk to some of the customers or employees, you may be amazed at the things you find and you may even find a new store to shop. The perfect pair of jeans awaits your arrival.

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Ms. Hollywood


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