CO-CEO/Publisher On The Rise Media

Here Are Some *Actual* Stylish Peeps to Follow on Insta
Capone Inc Boss Lady Fergie Capone
Source: On The Rise Magazine's CEO Attica Lundy Cooper caught up with one of Atlanta's busiest (and youngest) club promoters, Ms. Ferg Capone. With close to 11k twitter followers, she is one of the "Go-To" people when it comes to Atlanta's night life. <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-192"><img class="wp-image-192 alignright" alt="Img_00014 (1)" src="" width="244" height="368" /></a> <blockquote><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone </a> aka CAP ONE was born Kiaira Ferguson in Lawton , Oklahoma on November 21,1991, on Fort Sill military base. "I moved to Atlanta in 1992, where I have been living ever since. At the age of 14, I begin to throw high school parties, linking up with other teams such as 3KE, 6Figure, Royal Flush and Star Status. I started my own team called Capone Inc, an all female promotion team based in Atlanta. We began throwing 18+ parties at clubs such as Obsessions, Scores, Mansion Elan, Velvet Room and Ritz 2. I'm currently one of the top female promoters in Atlanta period. Promotions started off as a quick way to make money, but it soon turned into a place to grown, network, establish a name in Atlanta and also meet celebrities and market yourself. I also am a creator, I do custom designs and also have my own website <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>, where I sell women's clothes, shoes and more. This is what I'm currently focused on."</blockquote> <div>When you see Kiaira in Atlanta's entertainment scene, it's all business. The But even a Boss Lady needs a little fun, so we asked Kiaira to take off the boss cap and put on the We also gathered some fun Facts about <a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>:</div> <div></div> <div><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-191"><img class="alignnone wp-image-191" alt="BeFunky_20670_229689744289_59945_n" src="" width="218" height="290" /></a></div> <div>OTR: Who is your role model?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: My role model would be Michelle Obama, because she is an influential black woman that has given us encouragement to be whatever we put our minds to, she loves working with children and she doesn't let the media ruin her image or relationship with her husband. She is a dignified black woman in the white house, that has made all little girls of every race have a dream to become more than a house mom or teacher, they can become the first lady of the United States, a mayor, even run for president.</div> <div>OTR: If you could meet any influential person in the world, who would that be?</div> <div> <a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: I would like to meet T.I, because he's not only my favorite rapper, but he has proven that no matter what situation he gets in, he always will be a family man and a positive role model to his fans. He is human and makes mistakes just like everybody else, and he doesn't let that affect him in any way. I would just like to sit down and have a regular conversation because he seems like a down to earth person.</div> <div>OTR: What's one of the things on your bucket list?</div> <div> <a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: One of the things on my bucket list is to visit Amsterdam, I've done research and Amsterdam has the lowest crime rate. I would like to go there because I don't rarely hear people talk about they took a trip to Amsterdam and I would like to see what the food, music and lifestyle is like.</div> <div>OTR: What is your favorite past-time?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: My favorite past time is doing crafts such as 3D phone case designs, shoe designing and doing hair.</div> <div>OTR: What's your least favorite food?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: My least favorite food is spinach. I love collard greens but i hate spinach so much! The taste is just bitter and unusual to me.</div> <div style="text-align: center;"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-190"><img class="alignnone wp-image-190" alt="twitcon" src="" width="332" height="442" /></a></div> <div>OTR: What's Fergie's relationship status?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: I am currently dating somebody for about a year now.</div> <div>OTR: Biggie or 2Pac?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: I would choose 2pac because he's got more edge towards him, he's ruthless and cutthroat, I've always listened to him since I was younger.</div> <div>OTR What would you like to be when you grow up?</div> <div><a title="FergCapone" href="" target="_blank">@FergCapone</a>: When I get older, I want to open my own internet- gamer cafe, where college students can come with their laptops, enjoy free wifi, do their work, and also host XBOX game tournaments, basically a safe, drug free environment where college students, even high school, middle school or anybody can come and relax.</div> <div></div> <div>Follow Ferg on twitter at <a title="@fergcapone" href="" target="_blank"></a></div>Here Are Some *Actual* Stylish Peeps to Follow on Insta
eMedia Campaigns' Fran Briggs
Source: <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-180"><img class="size-medium wp-image-180 aligncenter" alt="FranBriggs" src="" width="191" height="300" /></a> Fran Briggs is an award winning writer, Professional Publicist, Author, Sponsorship Trainer, Speaker, and Personal and Professional Development Consultant and the owner of "<a title="eMediaCampaigns" href="" target="_blank">eMediaCampaigns</a>!", a premier news release wire service for public interest news and events. She is also the owner/director of operations for Owner/Director of Operations for <a title="Fran Briggs Companies" href="" target="_blank">Fran Briggs Companies</a>. She has four distinguished careers-author, educator, professional private investigator and "motivational speaker of the inspirational kind." <div>They are providers of unparalleled news releases to the World Wide Web, print, broadcast and other media sources. Fran is an expert in creating media buzz and optimal awareness. She helps her clients reach consumers, trade audiences, TV, radio, editorial calendars, trade publications, editors, and journalists so they know who they are; and what they do. And, she does this without putting a ding in any budget. Her clients have appeared on NPR (radio), National Television including: FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Daystar Television, CNN, Oprah, Judge Hatchett, and Tyra.</div> She has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their self-concept, communication skills and celebrate their goals. Fran is a dynamic keynote speaker and specializes in personal empowerment training. Her audiences include national corporations, non-profit organizations, youth groups, faith-based organizations, schools and universities. She presents content-rich, immediately applicable powerful modules in an engaging, tell-it-like-it-is style. Her passion and charisma are contagious! As an internationally published columnist, her work touches the lives of individuals from all seven continents. Ms. Briggs' articles have been featured in hundreds of publications including the largest personal development website in the world, (<a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>) and Fortune 500 Trainer, Bob Proctor's "Insight of the Day." She has written several books including <i>Don't Think Like an Elephant!</i> and <i>Seeds for Success.</i> Follow Fran Briggs on twitter at <a title="yumaallstars" href="" target="_blank">@yumaallstars</a>Here Are Some *Actual* Stylish Peeps to Follow on Insta
Here Are Some *Actual* Stylish Peeps to Follow on Insta
Source: <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-168"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-168 aligncenter" alt="16982-enchanted-pr-black-ce" src="" width="198" height="300" /></a> January 7, 2013 TOP PR FIRM ENCHANTED PR RECEIVES NOMINATION FOR BLACK CELEBRITY GIVING AWARD One of the top 100 PR firms in the nation is nominated for Best PR and <a id="itxthook0" href="" rel="nofollow">Event Planning<img id="itxthook0icon" alt="" src="" /></a> Firm Award ATLANTA- Enchanted PR, the agency known for creating fairytale endings for every client, had a fairytale ending of its own for 2012 by receiving a nomination by the Black Celebrity Giving Awards. The Atlanta based entertainment agency has been nominated for the 2012-2013 Best PR and Event Planning Firm Award for its efforts in giving back and serving the underserved on the scene and behind the scenes. Receiving such a nomination has Enchanted PR President Christal Jordan thrilled about the recognition the company is earning. "We are so excited to be receiving this nomination", says Jordan. "It is a true honor to be recognized for the charitable efforts of our clients. We were able to spearhead Chilli's first summer camp for her Chilli's Crew foundation, and we also worked with Show Me the Way Foundation's annual charity kids fashion show, Runway Red. One of our first orders of business with every client is to find a charity cause they support. This is just more inspiration for us to continue to work hard for our clients, build our firm and continue to <a title="produce" href="http://TWITTER.COM/FLY_OR_FAIL" target="_blank">produce </a>the results that has gotten us thus far." Enchanted PR is a full service public relations agency that fuses creativity with industry know-how and public relations practice to create memorable individualized campaigns for clients. It also focuses on media training, branding and creating social media campaigns/messages. Enchanted PR represents some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry including Grammy Award winning singer/dancer/actress Chilli of TLC and Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter Crystal Nicole. Alongside entertainment clients, Enchanted PR has created campaigns and events for sports, health and fashion clients and organizations including PERONI Style Atlanta: Emerging Designers Competition and "Body Talk" with celebrity OB/GYN, Dr. Tosha Rogers. In addition to working with celebrity clients, Enchanted PR has been instrumental in creating unique community outreach campaigns as well as working with many charitable and non-profit organizations including Runway Red and Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Be the Voice campaign. Having only been in existence for roughly six years, Enchanted PR is still a growing agency that has managed to establish relationships with some of the biggest corporate companies including Coca Cola, Dasani, Monster Energy Drink, General Mills Box Tops for Education, Food Network, VH-1, MAC Cosmetics, SoftSheen-Carson and many more. Enchanted PR is also one of the very few agencies to have its own social media apps for its followers and clients to stay connected with on their Android, BlackBerry and iPhone/iPad. is a website dedicated to providing news, videos and photos of black celebrity philanthropy and non-profit organizations that correlate to the black community. This is the 2nd Annual BCG Awards and voting for the awards will commence on Monday, January 7th at 12:00a.m. PST and will close on Friday, January 18th 11:59p.m. PST. In order to vote for the awards, a Facebook or Twitter account is needed to login. For more information on the awards and how to vote, visit For media inquiries, please call 703.622.1835 or <a title="" href="mailto:" target="_blank"></a>.Here Are Some *Actual* Stylish Peeps to Follow on Insta
Publisher's Corner
Source: As the creator of ON THE RISE MEDIA, I am fully aware of what it took for us to make it to this point. Inspired by the needs of the ON THE RISE community to become “discovered” and “connected”, as well as successful in their chosen fields (perhaps even reaching stardom and fame), I created a series of tools that would allow me to offer my PR services by way of media exposure to those who may not necessarily be my clients. I think it is only right to help those in need when we can . ON THE RISE MEDIA gives exposure to everyone in the entertainment industry including authors and athletes. The networking opportunities of the ON THE RISE MEDIA are second to none. We are not aggressive competitors that are out to take over to the world. Everyone involved with ON THE RISE MEDIA are essentially our partners. The people that we provide exposure for and do business with are a part of our movement, and therefore they are partners with one another. A worldwide movement via ON THE RISE MEDIA is but one small step in the evolution of global networking, and a large step in the ON THE RISE movement.After becoming the talk of the internet over the holidays, the viral Netflix sensation You has been confirmed for a second season, much to the delight of fans everywhere. The thriller series, which stars Gossip Girl’s Penn Badgley, follows Joe Goldberg—a psychopathic stalker-kidnapper-murderer who masquerades as a beguiling New York City bookstore manager and self-professed bibliophile.
After a chance encounter with a beautiful blonde writer named Beck (Elizabeth Lail), Joe stalks her and eventually wins her affection—but not without killing off people within her inner circle first.
The chilling tale left viewers with many unanswered questions by the end of its first season, but now that You has been renewed, the show’s makers and actors have planted the earliest seeds of what’s to come next for Joe Goldberg. Here’s what we know about You season 2 so far.
Season 2 is filming in Los Angeles
The series heads out west for season 2. Sera Gamble, the series’ showrunner, played it by the book; she told The Hollywood Reporter about the show’s change of location, and what it means for Joe’s character. “Joe Goldberg comes to L.A. and he is a die-hard New Yorker, so I can’t say that he comes to L.A. and he instantly falls in love with the place. At least at first glance, this is not Joe’s kind of town, which is delightful.”
People who watched the show will remember that Paco and his mother Claudia move to Los Angeles, so it’s possible that a Joe/Paco reunion may be in the works.
The book You is based on has a sequel
You was based on Caroline Kepnes’ novel of the same name. Kepnes wrote a sequel, Hidden Bodies, which tells the story of Joe moving to L.A. This would be a good read if you want to get the scoop ahead of the second season. Kepnes has also hinted that there might be a third book in the series, so stay tuned; she told a fan on Goodreads, “You’ll get more Joe eventually.”
Who’s been confirmed for the second season?
Elizabeth Lail sat down with Radio Times after the series premiered to Netflix to say that she will not be returning to the show—Joe did murder her character, after all. “I am sad to not continue that journey with him,” Lail said, referring to Badgley. “The unfortunate thing is, the woman doesn’t win in the end…and I’m so sick and tired of that.”
Despite the series making it clear that Joe murdered Beck after she found out about him stalking her and murdering her friends, fans got their hopes up. Joe’s ex, Candace (played by Ambyr Childers), not only appeared in flashbacks throughout the series, but also showed up alive and confronted Joe in the finale’s cliffhanger after he (supposedly) killed her. This made fans hope that Beck, by the same thought, might make an appearance in future seasons, even though Lail dispelled the rumor.
In theory, we’re not done with Dr. Nicky.
While Beck was forced by Joe to think about “what she did,” Beck wrote a novel that framed Dr. Nicky, her therapist—whom she cheated on Joe with—for her kidnapping in the hopes of obtaining her freedom. After Joe killed her, he published the novel and Dr. Nicky was arrested and sent to prison due to the incriminating manuscript.
“Dr. Nicky is in prison and he is ardently protesting his innocence,” Gamble told THR. “It’s too soon to say definitely whether John Stamos will return in season 2 but we have been talking a lot about the character and we’re excited to keep telling that story.”
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