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Gerard Butler marries his one and only obsession actress Sarah Butler

Gerard Butler marries his one and only obsession actress Sarah Butler

It’s been revealed by our good friend Sarah Radu that December 1, 2022 was a day that actress Sarah Radu (now Sarah Butler) and actor Gerard Butler will always remember, It’s the day the two “went ROUGE and eloped”! Yes, that’s right, Gerard Butler is officially OFF the market. He has married fellow actress Sarah Radu in a secret ceremony.  The two have embraced a secluded lifestyle.  They share a home with her daughter and their pets.  When asked about the engagement, Sarah told us “He told me, ‘We must talk’ and then he said ‘if I were to ask you to be my wife what would you say’ and I told him “I don’t know until you ask me’.  He then proceeded to get down on BOTH knees.  I simply had to say “Yes”.  

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