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Fragile Egos Podcast | Listen via Stitcher for Podcasts

Fragile Egos Podcast | Listen via Stitcher for Podcasts



About This Show

Show Info:

As actors graduating from our training, we decided to create a podcast, debuting our ups and downs coming into the industry. We want to show other actors and industry professionals that they’re not alone in their struggles. While showing non actors the reality of our day to day lives.

Brought to you by, up and coming actors Reilly Featherstone, Huw Ferguson and Aled Pennock.Read more »

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Most Recent Episode

Starting a Theatre Company & Postgraduate Study w/ Lucy Hope, Charlotte May & Ellie Fitzpatrick | FEP007

Jul 6
43 minutes

Actress, Dancer & Singer; Lucy Hope discusses studying an MA through the medium of Welsh and moving to Cardiff, while Charlotte May and Ellie Fitzpatrick discuss setting up a Cardiff based Theatre Company and their plans going through / coming out of lockdown.
If you did enjoy the episode, don’t forget to subscribe, to be notified when we next release! And give us a review to let us know what you think!

Episode Notes:
Follow Lucy on Social Media:
Twitter: @LucyAdeleHope

See Also

Follow Charlotte on Social Media:
Twitter: @C_May97

Follow Ellie on Social Media:
Twitter: @EllieFitz25

Follow Flying High Theatre Company on Social Media
Twitter: @TheatreFlying
Facebook: Flying High Theatre Company

If you’d like to watch the video version of the interviews, you can Click Here to check out our Youtube channel 

Check out our Social Media:
Twitter: @FragileEgosPod 
Instagram: @FragileEgosPod 
Facebook: @FragileEgosPod

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