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Catching Up With Jaiimoni Starr; The Interview

Catching Up With Jaiimoni Starr; The Interview

It’s February 2023 and 17-year-old JaiiMoni Starr, the rapper from St. Louis, Illinois whom we wrote about last year, has been very busy with the next season of her life.  We caught up with her in her local town and got an interview with her.  


OTR/@AtticaLundy – It’s so nice to finally meet you in person.  Thank you for taking the time out of your day to meet with me.

Jaiimoni Staff- It’s my pleasure.


OTR/@AtticaLundy- Jaiimoni, What are some interesting facts about you?  

Jaiimoni Starr – Well, my favorite colors are orange and green.  I have a new little sister.  I’m 5ft 1, and I love to eat sides as opposed to a lot of meat. Cancer is my zodiac sign. I’m currently single.


OTR/@AtticaLundy- Are you signed with a label currently?

Jaiimoni Starr- No, I’m currently an unsigned artist.


OTR/@AtticaLundy – Where are you in your career?

Jaiimoni Starr- I graduated high school early.  I’m class of 2023 but I graduated Winter of 2022.  I’ll still going to the prom (I’m excited about that) and going to march in my class’ graduation ceremony, but currently, I’m just working part-time and concentrating on my music.


OTR/@AtticaLundy – Is college in your future?

Jaiimoni Starr-  Yes.  I want to initially stay close to home, so I may attend a community college in the fall of 2023.  


OTR/@AtticaLundy- Was it hard juggling school and your music?

Jaiimoni Starr- It was very challenging.  I managed but that’s why I wanted to take a break after I graduated.  It was difficult to do my music and keep up with my good grades.  


OTR/@AtticaLundy- If you decide to go to college, what will your study of concentration be?

Jaiimoni Starr- Well, I am very interested in real estate.  I would like to flip houses and make investments like Air BNBs.  I’ve found some programs in community college that I’m interested in pursuing in the fall. 


OTR/@AtticaLundy – How did music play into your maintaining good grades in school?

Jaiimoni Starr- As I said, it was challenging.  But since I’m out of school, I can concentrate on new music projects.  In fact, I have one that I’m working on that will be released very soon.

OTR/@AtticaLundy – That’s good to hear! Tell us a little about your upcoming project, please. 

Jaiimoni Starr – I’m almost done with it.  It’s an EP with about seven or eight songs.  I think it will be released very soon, perhaps in March or April of 2023.

OTR/@AtticaLundy- What can we expect from this EP?  

Jaiimoni Starr-  Expect a more mature Jaiimoni.  I’ve grown a lot and my music will reflect that.  I don’t want to give out too much information, but I think my fans will really enjoy the flow.  They’ve been waiting for this,


OTR/@AtticaLundy – What are some of your other talents aside from rapping?  Do you sing?

Jaiimoni Starr – I’m a writer.  I write music, sure, but also poetry.  When I originally got into music, I sang a little…and I’m interested in it but would want to have some vocal coaching. I get asked if I sing quite a bit, However, I’m a natural rapper and that’s my primary focus.  


OTR/@AtticaLundy –  Your following is huge.  How did you get so many social media followers?

Jaiimoni Starr –  After my videos went viral my following went up tremendously.  I have a big social media following of people that have been following my career for years.  


OTR/@AtticaLundy – Do you have any performances coming up? 

Jaiimoni Starr- Not at the moment.  My main focus is completing this project.  Once I’m done, I’ll be available to perform.  


Links to Social Media: – Tik Tok Page– Instagram Page

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