On The Rise Magazine’s CEO Attica Lundy Cooper caught up with one of Atlanta’s busiest (and youngest) club promoters, Ms. Ferg Capone. With close to 11k twitter followers, she is one of the “Go-To” people when it comes to Atlanta’s night life.

@FergCapone aka CAP ONE was born Kiaira Ferguson in Lawton , Oklahoma on November 21,1991, on Fort Sill military base. “I moved to Atlanta in 1992, where I have been living ever since. At the age of 14, I begin to throw high school parties, linking up with other teams such as 3KE, 6Figure, Royal Flush and Star Status. I started my own team called Capone Inc, an all female promotion team based in Atlanta. We began throwing 18+ parties at clubs such as Obsessions, Scores, Mansion Elan, Velvet Room and Ritz 2. I’m currently one of the top female promoters in Atlanta period. Promotions started off as a quick way to make money, but it soon turned into a place to grown, network, establish a name in Atlanta and also meet celebrities and market yourself. I also am a creator, I do custom designs and also have my own website http://www.oufancy.com, where I sell women’s clothes, shoes and more. This is what I’m currently focused on.”
When you see Kiaira in Atlanta’s entertainment scene, it’s all business. The But even a Boss Lady needs a little fun, so we asked Kiaira to take off the boss cap and put on the We also gathered some fun Facts about
OTR: Who is your role model?
@FergCapone: My role model would be Michelle Obama, because she is an influential black woman that has given us encouragement to be whatever we put our minds to, she loves working with children and she doesn’t let the media ruin her image or relationship with her husband. She is a dignified black woman in the white house, that has made all little girls of every race have a dream to become more than a house mom or teacher, they can become the first lady of the United States, a mayor, even run for president.
OTR: If you could meet any influential person in the world, who would that be?
@FergCapone: I would like to meet T.I, because he’s not only my favorite rapper, but he has proven that no matter what situation he gets in, he always will be a family man and a positive role model to his fans. He is human and makes mistakes just like everybody else, and he doesn’t let that affect him in any way. I would just like to sit down and have a regular conversation because he seems like a down to earth person.
OTR: What’s one of the things on your bucket list?
@FergCapone: One of the things on my bucket list is to visit Amsterdam, I’ve done research and Amsterdam has the lowest crime rate. I would like to go there because I don’t rarely hear people talk about they took a trip to Amsterdam and I would like to see what the food, music and lifestyle is like.
OTR: What is your favorite past-time?
@FergCapone: My favorite past time is doing crafts such as 3D phone case designs, shoe designing and doing hair.
OTR: What’s your least favorite food?
@FergCapone: My least favorite food is spinach. I love collard greens but i hate spinach so much! The taste is just bitter and unusual to me.
OTR: What’s Fergie’s relationship status?
@FergCapone: I am currently dating somebody for about a year now.
OTR: Biggie or 2Pac?
@FergCapone: I would choose 2pac because he’s got more edge towards him, he’s ruthless and cutthroat, I’ve always listened to him since I was younger.
OTR What would you like to be when you grow up?
@FergCapone: When I get older, I want to open my own internet- gamer cafe, where college students can come with their laptops, enjoy free wifi, do their work, and also host XBOX game tournaments, basically a safe, drug free environment where college students, even high school, middle school or anybody can come and relax.
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