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Bags Bags Bags

Bags Bags Bags

Bags, Bags, Bags

Ladies love their bags, some more than others. I, myself am not a bag woman. I can never seem to be able to keep up with them but I do love a good clutch-small, compact, cute-that’s me.

Bags are always an essential piece to a woman’s wardrobe. A bag can pull an entire look together.   Bags can range from name brand to knockoff depending on what you want to spend and what type of quality you like.  Bags can range from a down payment on a car to twenty-five cent.  In this economy who is really trying to spend $2500 on a bag, well I guess it ain’t trickin’ if you got it.

Totes, clutches and handbags can be found everywhere. If you enjoy a good treasure hunt and you don’t want to spend a lot of money, Goodwill, yard sales, and thrift stores are phenomenal!  (Going though you grandmother or aunt’s closet isn’t bad either…..Vintage Vintage)

Aldo is a great place to find good quality bags that aren’t expensive at all. If your style is original and different boutiques and Etsy.com are also great places to find beautiful handbags.

Style is original. Make it your own.


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